6 Sept 2010

Half marathon 2010

Not that I did it, of course, but I did wave over the seawall viewing point as the runners went up the portway (before the leaders came back down) - and - apart from the rain - I kind of wished I was doing it too. All my chums did it and were really happy with themselves - boyf did it in about 1hr 36 which isn't bad for not doing much training...
I dropped them off in town for the start and I did envy them their excitement - it's what makes it an event rather than a really, really long run.
I did go for a run round the downs and managed the usual 4 and half miles - and I had to walk again for a few seconds after a mile or so - whether that's cos of the low carb thing or cos I never warm up properly and this was a way of allowing my blood to redistribute properly I don't know, but it did help...
And the low-carb is working quite well as I've lost about 4lbs (but this is weighing myself 1st thing in the morning and after a few lagers last night... but hey 4lbs is 4lbs - another 3 weeks and I might have hit my target. But will it make me happy? And will I skeep it off??)

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