29 Jun 2010

Get me

Look at this will you - I've only been on a run today - BEFORE work - only 2 days after the last one.
Am getting rsi from patting myself on the back.
In truth it was to make up for a day of sloth on Monday where I did nothing other than watch tennis and eat toast, 2 of my favourite activities.
So there I was, 0615, running up the road wondering where the sun had gone and why it was raining. But I kept going, all the way up to the downs then chickened out a bit as I was getting tired, and didn't put the loop in round the water tower, but headed home. And I felt good for going. Perhaps I could learn from this?
Didn't use the nike+ thing cos I wanted to listen to the radio which I find more distracting from the little voices in my head telling me to walk for a bit (is that just me?)
And now I am resting on my laurels having also cycled 5 miles or so into town - can I stay awake all day though - might need to catch some zeds at lunchtime...

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