13 Jun 2010


1hr 9mins 51sec - 7.19 miles - 9'42" per mile - 0 calories again

So this was success in the sense that i managed to get out of the house to run and managed to go a long way. Now of course my bum aches and the sides of my calves ache and I feel like all I want to do for the rest of the day is collapse on sofa and watch the grand prix and perhaps some gentle internet surfing.
But isn't that what Sundays are all about!!!

So, should I go in for the 1/2 marathon? Seeing as how doing 1/2 that distance has just about wiped me out I'm not sure how good an idea that would be - but there are still 3 months to go and it's a matter of building up to it now rather than beginning from scratch... But it still remains a hell of a long way to run and my legs are aching.

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