31 Jan 2010


Well I dragged myself out for a short run this morning - the first one in a couple of weeks - mainly to calibrate the nike+. Except I messed up somehow. I blame the sodding ipod - the thing is useless - it's impossible to do anything with the wheely thing in the middle as it just goes backwards and forwards rather than staying where you put it. Plus I did press the wrong thing to calibrate the run.

I've since worked out (by looking in the instructions...) that you put in the distance you're going to run BEFORE you set off rather than try and mess around with it when you finish and are all sweaty and shakey.

And this was after 3.57 miles, hardly a marathon.

I do feel stronger than before I started going to the gym, but there is still the issue of not having the puff to keep going with any sense of ease. I know it's from not running very much and I also know it will get better. But not that much better as I am getting older and it'll be increasingly hard to make a difference. I would just like to lose some flab through running and to feel the benefits of being a fit and middle-aged person...

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