18 Jan 2010

Up on the Downs

Well, I have been for a run with the nike+ runny thing which works - but needs calibrating for me - I can assure you I did not run over 5 miles at just over 8mins per mile yesterday. Quite a lot out really - 4.8 miles in fact.
But it's very good - tells you how fast and far you've gone when you stop your 'work out' and then you plug it into the computer and it gives you a picture of your run - though sadly not on a map, it's a read out of the speeds you've gone over the distance.

But it's a nice nerdy thing to have.

And it was very hard work and I felt like a middle-aged desperate housewife trying to get fit - not far off the truth. And I sadly thought that the reason my fat wobbles less now is cos my new top is one of those compression things (not a proper one, but it's very snug) so perhaps my efforts in the gym aren't really worth it - but I can't believe that as I now have biceps.

But I will continue with the wobbling round the downs - it's getting harder the less I do (obviously) and I have to remind myself to keep my knees up and not slump into energy-saving mode.

Please tell me it's worth it!!!

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