3 Jan 2010

The Big Plan

Today's Big Plan is to go for a run.

But - it's very cold (there is black ice on the road which means I don't want to run locally and might drive up to the downs for a grassy run - but I have to drive on black ice as opposed to run on it - what's better???)

Also I had a curry last night and you don't want to know the rest...

But there's another but - I feel sluggish and crap and would like to think I have done a run already today. It's just that getting to that particular stage requires that I go for a run...

I have been for a run - hurrah and huzzah and everything. It was really hard work though - I have got quite unfit through being sat at home/at work and although I do go gymming I don't do the aerobic stuff so much. And afterwards I reckoned I was completely free to eat whatever I wanted all day.
So many new year resolutions to take up over the next few days...
Still, I am mighty pleased with myself and am happy to have kicked off the new year's running. Wonder how many miles I'll manage this year - if only there was a gadget which told you how you were doing.. oh, wait ;) - as soon as I get plumbed into the world of nike+ I can bore anyone who cares to listen about my progress.

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