21 Feb 2010

I'm sure it must be doing me some kind of good...

It's like this: I've started down the road to middle-agedness by developing sciatica. At least I think that's what it is. It's pain in the right place and I don't like it, makes me feel OLD. Harumph.

The gym doesn't do it any harm, ibuprofen helps a lot, but I think the key to curing/alleviating it is actually yoga. After my first session for about 6 months last Monday, my back felt fine. It's come back since then so I've been trying out some stretches to see which ones unlock the pain. I think I'm getting there. I blame it partly on sitting at a computer for hours at a time at work, and also cycling as I'm not sure my bike's the right size for me, I could do with further away handlebars I think.

But despite the agony, it hasn't deterred me from going for a run. Amazing, a mere 3 weeks after the last one.

Only 3 1/2 miles, but according to the pigging nike+ thing, over 4 miles run at a very respectable pace. Much as I'd like to think that was all down to me, I know it's cos I still haven't calibrated the thing yet. And only today I have found out that the instructions were missing a step - no flaming wonder I was getting cross with it. But you have to calibrate it over less than 1.25 miles which is hardly a run, is it?

Still, it was horrible, I am getting increasingly unfit and despite what the lovely people at the gym say, it's not just me being out of practice, it's cos I is a fattie. I have less back flab wobbling around than I used to, but my arse is still astonishingly large. I am going to have to bite the (chocolate) bullet and cut down on calories as well as pile on the miles...

Oh happy day

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