11 Feb 2024


I wore my old shoes to see if they fit better than the off-road ones and indeed they do. My toes don't ram into the end, which is nice. But they are too hard: I think the padding gets compacted or just perishes over time. The main effect of this is that my poor arthritic right foot is really aching now. No matter how much I try to convince myself that not having a functioning joint isn't a big problem, it is, nevertheless, a problem. One I just have to live with as there is no actual cure. Pain-killers, cutting back on the ballet, and flat shoes all should help.

'You never see a fat runner', I thought. Then I looked in the mirror. 

short: 4.29km (didn't want to push it too far: I was huffing and puffing like a fat runner anyway)

not quite so slow: 6m 54s per km which is a little pleasing but could have done without the foot pain and the tiny niggle of calf ache.

Oh woe is me.

But also, well done me for going for a run. 

One day I won't make such a song and dance about it... 

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