30 Jun 2019

The greatest run ever

If I was to rate each run individually, with no reference to past runs, then this one would be right up there.

3.42 miles
10m 16s /mile

So what's so great about that? Well, I am feeling very negative about myself these days and I don't wholeheartedly believe that exercise can lift you out of it, so it's tough to get out of the door. The fact that I did get out of the door is already a win in my book.

I thought I would just go for a couple of miles, and when the mapmyrun lady told me I'd run that far I was about 50m from home - but I ran on; The trust is, I felt ashamed that I might accept giving up after just 2 miles. I know everything counts, but that seemed almost worse than not going out in the first place.

So I did another loop. It felt horrid. I am so heavy, both mentally and physically these days that it was an almighty struggle.

But I did it - I did over 3 miles, my various aches didn't stop me although I might suffer a bit tomorrow - but it all adds up.

As I keep trying to convince myself - EVERYTHING COUNTS.

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