6 Jan 2018

Back on track. Kind of.

A not-too-bad run this morning. It was OK. What can I say?
It was very cold and my left index finger was white with shock for a couple of miles but it warmed up.
I started listening to a podcast but gave up – it wasn’t funny enough or clever enough so I bailed and listened to ‘Elsinor’ from BBC. It’s a prequel to Hamlet. If I’d known it was a prequel before I set off it would have made far more sense.
3.35 miles
9m 51s pace
Not very far, not very long. I think I need to up the time to about 45 mins which I understand is the optimum for aerobic fitness. Which means I have to put in more effort. Never something I want to hear… But I am turning into a fatty so perhaps it’s time to step up.

And when I got back there was a squirrel on the bird feeder - urban wildlife! I was hoping for birds... 


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