31 Aug 2016

More pain...

Working on the various pains...
1. heel - just putting up with it I guess. I know rest is important (I'm good at that...) and stretching will come into it at some point - but there is a level of pain there which puts me off making it any worse. It hurts when I walk, mostly when I've been off it and then walk on it. Running seemed to be OK - it wears off fairly quickly. Not sure if that is a good thing or not
2. Hips - my osteopath is working on me. The foam roller is a main element in the rehabilitation process - never has anything self-inflicted hurt so much. I can only hope it's working. It hurts far more on the bad side so I think the principle is sound, and the pain is lessening - or my threshold is rising.
3. toe joint - no change but I am constantly aware I have to make sure my Glutes are engaged when running which sometimes means I have to feel I'm twisting. I just wasn't made very well...
But I did run this week - another turn around the downs. I would be very happy if I could get myself up there without the need for a bike/car. I know my limit is about 5 miles - it used to be a regular 7 but that was a lifetime ago - and so the downs run is a treat. Perhaps when I'm back at work I will cycle up at lunchtime... could only do that if it's very cold as my face turns beetroot when I run. Not sophisticated really...

4.35 miles
9min 58 a mile - so not too shabby for me... (under 10 mins a mile is a triumph in my book)

19 Aug 2016

Never without pain...

One day I will get through a run without a nagging pain.
But not yet

Today was hip and heel pain. The saga of the hip is that I have been to the osteopath and she gave me the most painful massage ever - really digging into the muscles. I had to go to my happy place to get through it tbh. But I didn't cry or use the safeword.

And the outcome is that my hip is more painful. I'm working on the assumption that this means something (ultimately) good is happening in there. I have stretches to work on as well which are painful and necessary. I sit around so much everything that should be moving and loose is tight and stiff. I'm getting old but there is no real reason why I can't keep supple and fit - apart from the arthritis thing everything just needs keeping moving.

Use it or lose it

I actually went to the gym before the run (and had cycled up there as well - I am a superhero)
3.21 miles
10.04 mins a mile. Slow but ffs I was in pain and I actually went out and did it

well done me

10 Aug 2016

slow but sure

Another run - get me.
This time 10 years ago I was running 7 miles before breakfast

entry for 10 aug 2006:
Back on the road again....

Having survived various symptoms of lergy (lurgy??) I am back on the long road to wherever 13 and a bit miles will take me...

It wasn't too bad, once the first mile or so was done. This bit is all slightly uphill, so imagine setting off at 0620, uphill, feeling a little queasy and a lot knackered and you get the picture... But despite allowing myself to think about cutting the route short and taking it easy on myself, I did the whole thing and felt like a real trouper (trooper??) when I got back to safety and managed to separate my feet from my shoes.

So there you have it - I'm still in the running, whether I like it or not.

Was chatting to a friend who has just taken up running and claims to love it: she goes for about 3 and a half miles and feels on top of the world. She knows a person who runs 13 miles for fun then runs home up a steep hill. That person is obviously unstable and is to be avoided. How can anyone get to the stage when 13 miles is a 'fun run'?

I see Nick Rose running round the downs a lot - I remember him from way back (can't be sure when) and he was a terrific international runner, winning lots of races and generally being a local hero. He still goes at a hell of a rate and I'm sure he's just jogging...

I'm off on holiday tomorrow but the trainers are coming with me. A week away from the routine will test my mettle... 

So there - it really happened.
I don't think I'm downhearted about not being at that level now - I am realistic about my capabilities although I know I could push myself a lot harder. I guess I have to balance that against the injuries and knackerednesses I would have to endure.
But 10 years is a long time which has gone by very very fast.
At the rate I ran today my 1/2 marathon time would be... 2.2 hours. Even if I could keep going at just over 10 mins a mile...
But I have to accept that I can keep running though by muscles and hips are aching while I dod it - it doesn't feel like an injury, just age getting the better of me...

8 Aug 2016


OK - it was a bit hurty but at least I dragged myself out for a run and was very glad I did. It was even raining when I left the house and I went anyway.
(But then it stopped raining and was quite nice...)
It was OK - I went up to the downs with the intention of being kind to myself by running slowly (which I did) and once I got a bit warmed up the hip problem didn't get any worse. And today it's still relatively OK so perhaps it's a limited thing. I am stretching like an Armstrong which I hope helps as it's not very nice. I have also booked an osteopath session to see if there is something I can be doing to sort it out and also to have a go at my wonky shoulders.
No one warns you that 'getting old' starts so soon. I thought it might kick in at some point in the future but it looks like it's happening now.
How depressing is that...