2 May 2015

tech fail (again)

Definitely operator error this morning...

I was in 2 minds about running. I have a yin yoga video which I have done once and have promised to keep doing it.  Obviously I haven't.  But that was an option which would have got me out of running. Then I thought to myself that running isn't a punishment - it's a privilege and a joy.

So I went for a run. And I felt better than I have for a long time. I am sure I was running faster and sure enough, the 2nd time the mapmyrun lady popped into my headphones, I was running under 9'30" a mile which is about as good as it gets for me.

So I get home all glowing and pleased with myself - AND FORGET TO STOP THE WORKOUT APP.

Apparently I was doing 12 minute-plus miles by the time I stopped the thing.

Oh well. It was good while it lasted...

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