28 Oct 2012

30 minutes of hell

So, yeah I've done another 30 minute run - but it was truly hard work. And I have a feeling that tomorrow my calves are going to be burning.
But it's a start...

22 Oct 2012

Cautiously Optimistic

Yesterday - after putting it off for an age* - I ran for over 30 minutes. Not much over 30 mins, but I had only plugged 20mins into the nike+

I am well pleased with myself.

Everything felt ok - after a small niggle of achilles heel at the start. I was trying to remember everything the physio had told me and it workd - arm-pumping was quite effective even if it means using up more energy. Also it helps prevents twisting which I am prone to.

So perhaps it's all coming together and I can pound the pavements once more with confidence.

*it's a confidence thing - I don't want to break my foot again, I don't want to hurt my achilles again.

Perhaps it's time to treat myself to more running kit!!!

7 Oct 2012

Could today be a turning point?

Ran for 19'22" without collapsing in achilles-based agony.

It was ok. There was a bit of an ache there, but I was concentrating on trying to run on my left foot the same as on my right and also to not land too vertically on my toes, so I ended up a bit flat-footed, a bit heely, but I think it was OK.

And I covered 3.34 km which I have worked out very roughly as 9'16" a mile - pretty much the same as before. Not bad considering I'm so unfit.

Has the yoga helped? not entirely sure but it won't have done any harm.

So I'm back at the physio again tomorrow - wonder if I will finally be signed off. I kind of hope so. Much as I enjoy the attention, I think the £40 a pop is adding up and I'm aware of what I have to do in order to get me back on the road again

1 Oct 2012


Well, I knew it would have to happen eventually - I've been back to yoga for the first time in months.
And it's good.

Painful, awkward, frustrating, but good.

It may be the key to getting back running as it focuses on stretching all kinds of large, deep muscles and joints, which have been my downfall.
Of course I have to commit to going every week (and doing some in between) and it's 90 minutes a session which gets a bit dull BUT it's a Good Thing to do.

I will be yogaing again this Thursday which is the day I'm supposed to be having a trial run to see how my achilles is faring, but that will have to wait til Friday.

Also I'm going to attempt the 5:2 diet lifestyle thing this week (and commit it to it until Christmas????) which is basically 2 days a week of extremely restricted fasting (500 cals) and normal eating for the rest of the time. For various reasons it's going to be extremely hard to carry this off, but I feel I need to do something to fight this middle-aged spread thing (I thought it was a myth - I was so terribly wrong)

Wish me luck...