3 Jan 2012

And a happy new year to everyone

Well, yesterday I went for a run - hurrah, etc!
It started off OK but I was struggling to remember how to run the 'art of running' method. But I got it and it really does make it easier to run, if you don't go very fast.

I headed off round the normal 6 and a bit mile route but cut some corners - and it felt fine. Until about 4 miles or so and my left hip began aching. then it began hurting. And then aching and hurting at the same time. Not very pleasant. And I ran out of puff, taking minute steps (which is part of the running style but they were getting ridiculously short as the pain increased) I did have to walk for a short while but I got home ok.

And once I'd stopped it felt absoloutely fine

It's the IT band, I am convinced - the pain goes from my hip down the outside of my leg and ends up in my knee. So once it's had a day's rest I'm going to get on with stretching it. I seem to spend most of my days at work sat at a desk, so it's no wonder I'm seizing up. Perhaps this is the kick I need to sort myself out. After all the thought of getting old does worry me and keeping flexible (and fit, strong, slim) are important ways of fighting it. But running is also a classic way of injuring yourself so you can't do any exercise...

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