28 Aug 2011

an ok run

Do you ever get those dreams where you're running as fast as you can, but in fact you're barely moving? It's like the 'running through treacle' idea where no matter how much effort you put in there, you still can't move.
I felt a bit like that this morning - I think it's cos I have the strength from going to the gym, but no energy. And I see my legs moving like they should do, but I'm still hardly moving.
Hey ho.

My biggest concern is tinnitus. After a run it's usually louder and sometimes feel like there is pressure inside my head. Today it was the wort it's ever been. I'm wearing in-ear buds to listen to the radio as I run, so I wonder if there is a connection there. Should I get some phones that sit outside the ear?  Will there ever be a cure for it? It's depressing and frustrating and it's diving me nuts.

21 Aug 2011

New shoes

They are good.
Not in the sense that I can now run like a gazelle and never go red in the face.

But they don't rub and my knees didn't explode.

And they have dark grey laces which look quite cool :)

17 Aug 2011

oo get me!

I have new running shoes.
Mizuno nirvanas
I'm wearing them in the house.
I will wear them outside, and possibly run in them soon.
Hope they're OK - there is always that feeling with new (really rather pricey) running shoes that you're going to get a mile down the road and you'll be blistered and have exploding shin splints (or whatever shin splints do, I'm not sure on that one)
Will keep you posted.

14 Aug 2011

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger

I nearly died this morning - I know part of the problem was a little too much dry white the night before, I accept that, but it really hurt... Left hip aching, right foot just being, well, flat I guess. Plus bruised toes.
I think I might need new trainers as I felt extremely un-bouncy in those. Not sure if that's the problem though. Although at the back of my mind I think I got an email from moti to tell me it was so long since I bought the things I should think about changing them. Well they would say that wouldn't they. But it might have been about a year ago so perhaps they were onto something. Hey - shopping for shoes - ugly, practical shoes....

stats: well, bit of a problem there...
0.34 miles, 4 min 53 seconds
Thing is, the thing fell off my shoe and I didn't notice it, so now I don't have a nike+ thing any more. I feel quite sad about that...

The other amazing thing about today's run (I lead a very dull life...) is I went The Wrong Way Round - as in going up Ashley Hill first, then Glos Rd, then down past Tescoe and along to the water tower and back through Henleaze and Bishopston. It made it a fraction more interesting, but it felt a lot harder - perhaps there's more uphill going that way round - I know it has to be the same amount but the severity of the hills might just mean it feels worse this way round.
Anyway, it's done and I need to keep going at least 3 times a week for it to do me any lasting good, don't I....

7 Aug 2011

running in the rain

Torrential at times - and then the sun came out and it all went gin-clear and sparkly again. British summer for you...

Here are some stats which I find interesting but doubt if they're very riveting for anyone else
1h 1m 42s
6.28 miles
9m 49s /mile
592 calories

It was hard work - despite not having any wine last night and having a breakfast an hour before setting off - but still it took a couple of miles to get going properly. Perhaps that's not unusual, perhaps it's evidence of getting old. Having said that, there was less pain than usual: feet and knees were OK, the only twinge was coming from my left lower back, but I know that works better when I've stretched properly (if only my yoga teacher wasn't on holiday for the next few weeks...)
Again when I'd gone up to the observatory and done that intense hill, it seemed to unlock some energy reserves - is this how bodies work?
I did a different route - driving up to the downs then doing a circuit taking in the camera obscura and then across the bridge which was really nice - I had ambitious plans to go into Ashton Court but I think I did the right thing not to go that far. I'm sure I would have made it though - perhaps if I was in proper training, for a 1/2 marathon say, then I would have pushed myself, but just going to lose a few lbs then meh, it's probably better to do more shorter runs during the week rather than concentrate on the marathon at the weekend. Sort of...

2 Aug 2011

tuesday morning

I missed running on Sunday cos I was working in Weymouth and despite the lure of running along a lovely sandy beach first thing in the morning, I really couldn't be arsed. Well, I did have to start work at 9am so blah excuses

So I took today off and went for a run at about 11am which is an odd time for me but it was ok. Felt lacking in energy but I guess there's nothing new there, being not very fit. But it was good to run a different route - I dropped the car off in Clifton and ran up Pembroke rd and across the downs from there. Don't know about a change being as good as a rest though..
oh - forgot major running news - orange ipod 'it's alive' has died - the centre button stopped working.
So I went down to the apple store and they told me it'd be £70 to mend (as in get another one exactly the same and they didn't have any in stock) so I said I'd treat myself to one of the new nanos, with the touchscreen. I think I made a mistake getting the £50 cheaper 8GB one, rather than the 16GB but hey ho, it just means I shall have to manage it a bit better.
But as a thing, it's great - it runs the nike+ thing and I can listen to the radio at the same time - good times.

anyway, stats:
6.4 miles,  1hour 2mins 43s, 9m 46/mile (very slow) 604 calories
(this assumes I don't have to recalibrate the thing for the new ipod, but I would guess not)

So that's it. I was a very sweaty betty when I got back cos it's quite warm and I am a sweaty betty these days. Not a good look.