27 Feb 2011

how to survive torture

There is a method of surviving torture - you believe that it's not going to end, that you will be killed, so you abandon hope. That way you know pain will end eventually and there is no point in fighting it.
It's what I was telling myself as I was running (running? dragging more like) my wobbly carcass up to the camera obscura. I knew I was going to keep going no matter what, that it wouldn't end until it was over, so I abandoned hope. I got to the top and was euphoric.
It's one of the best views in Bristol imho and all the better for arriving there knackered and in some little distress.
And another truism held - 'what doesn't kill you makes you stronger.' Running back down the hill was lovely and although it was so muddy my feet kept flying out from under me, the cross-country bit back up to the downs really didn't feel too bad.
I'm rambling.
It was a good run, it made me feel better and I must do it more...

20 Feb 2011

Another day, another triumphant run

Well, it was just a run around the downs, but it *was* a run!!!

But at least I don't feel too old and knackered after it, which is an improvement.

It was very cold this morning and there were lots of other people out running - possibly cos the Bath 1/2 marathon is quite soon. I'm definitely not up for a 1/2 marathon yet, but I do have to make the decision whether or not to go for it quite soon. One of the reasons for doing it - I know this is terribly shallow - that I want to impress people with my fitness at my huge age etc etc. But boyf will be doing it after intensive training and will no doubt acheive his goal of under 1h 30mins and my  gym person regularly runs to the gym  - from Portishead... so there will just be myself to impress then...

12 Feb 2011

Oh yes!

6.86 miles
1h 07m 18s
9m 49s / mile
670 cals (well that should see off last night's chocolate..)

Very glad I went running - it was a lovely morning and I felt pretty good. Then when I got to Tescos on kellaway avenue I saw the time was after 10 and I was supposed to be back before 1030 so I had to go faster (not a happy thought) but I did and it wasn't anything like as bad as I'd feared.
But my left hip/lower back was quite stiff. I know I should stretch more - yoga more than once a month would help - and my right foot was a bit weird, not sure what's going on there.

But I've run again, less than a week after the last one - is this the dawning of a new era? Ummmmm....

6 Feb 2011

The problem with running...

...is I'm middle aged and not as fit as I think I am...

I twisted my ankle about 3 weeks ago - on the same day I went flying off my bike on some black ice and skinned my knee - and frankly it's still not right. I also have an aching left hip and my feet aren't all they might be - not flexible enough.
And there is the issue of my not being very fit - I cycle to work which takes about 40 mins and I go to the gym and sometimes do yoga and I walk and have to go up and down stairs all day - but it's not the same as being aerobically fit so I can run for an hour without the worry of being stuff as a board in the morning...
So the plan must be to run more - at lunchtimes on quiet days at work, after I get home of an evening... dream on... I know what I'm like. I like the idea of running, of taking on a 1/2 marathon for instance, more than actually going out into the great outdoors and getting on with it.
But as it's 75% in your head anyway, perhaps I can turn it round.
We shall see...

BTW I went for a run this morning, round the outside of the downs - not the camera obscura bit -  and it was very muddy. Listening to broadcasting house and some of the Archers.

1 Feb 2011


Can't get myself going anymore... It's too cold, I'm too tired, there's too many hills, the cat looked at me funny...
And there is a million more excuses waiting and ready to be aired next time the foolish urge to go running attacks me.
I can fight it.