29 Jun 2010

Get me

Look at this will you - I've only been on a run today - BEFORE work - only 2 days after the last one.
Am getting rsi from patting myself on the back.
In truth it was to make up for a day of sloth on Monday where I did nothing other than watch tennis and eat toast, 2 of my favourite activities.
So there I was, 0615, running up the road wondering where the sun had gone and why it was raining. But I kept going, all the way up to the downs then chickened out a bit as I was getting tired, and didn't put the loop in round the water tower, but headed home. And I felt good for going. Perhaps I could learn from this?
Didn't use the nike+ thing cos I wanted to listen to the radio which I find more distracting from the little voices in my head telling me to walk for a bit (is that just me?)
And now I am resting on my laurels having also cycled 5 miles or so into town - can I stay awake all day though - might need to catch some zeds at lunchtime...

27 Jun 2010

55m 23s, 5.65miles, 9m 48s/mile, 565cals

It's incredibly hot right now - getting up to 30c today they reckon. So it had to be an early run or nothing - 9am is quite early isn't it?
I did the run round the downs with the trip up to the observatory - which is a hell of a hill climb. At the top I remember thinking 'I am a long way from home'...

But I got back all right and felt I've done myself some good. Still old and fat of course but at least I've done a run today...

26 Jun 2010

1h 13mins 42s, 7.48 miles, 9m 51s/mile. 0 cals again

Feet aching, small blister on toe, feeling of invincibility - I must have been for a longish run. Actually forget the last bit, I feel like I'm about to fall to pieces.

13 Jun 2010


1hr 9mins 51sec - 7.19 miles - 9'42" per mile - 0 calories again

So this was success in the sense that i managed to get out of the house to run and managed to go a long way. Now of course my bum aches and the sides of my calves ache and I feel like all I want to do for the rest of the day is collapse on sofa and watch the grand prix and perhaps some gentle internet surfing.
But isn't that what Sundays are all about!!!

So, should I go in for the 1/2 marathon? Seeing as how doing 1/2 that distance has just about wiped me out I'm not sure how good an idea that would be - but there are still 3 months to go and it's a matter of building up to it now rather than beginning from scratch... But it still remains a hell of a long way to run and my legs are aching.

6 Jun 2010

3 weeks later...

...and I have been for a run. It was jolly hard work, but because I was dropped off at the water tower, it was mainly downhill which made it a lot easier. But less challenging.
Wish I could suddenly be as fit as I have been in the past without all this training malarky.

4.21 miles, 40 mins, 9.29/mile, and 0 calories for some reason. Can't be right.