31 Jan 2010


Well I dragged myself out for a short run this morning - the first one in a couple of weeks - mainly to calibrate the nike+. Except I messed up somehow. I blame the sodding ipod - the thing is useless - it's impossible to do anything with the wheely thing in the middle as it just goes backwards and forwards rather than staying where you put it. Plus I did press the wrong thing to calibrate the run.

I've since worked out (by looking in the instructions...) that you put in the distance you're going to run BEFORE you set off rather than try and mess around with it when you finish and are all sweaty and shakey.

And this was after 3.57 miles, hardly a marathon.

I do feel stronger than before I started going to the gym, but there is still the issue of not having the puff to keep going with any sense of ease. I know it's from not running very much and I also know it will get better. But not that much better as I am getting older and it'll be increasingly hard to make a difference. I would just like to lose some flab through running and to feel the benefits of being a fit and middle-aged person...

18 Jan 2010

Up on the Downs

Well, I have been for a run with the nike+ runny thing which works - but needs calibrating for me - I can assure you I did not run over 5 miles at just over 8mins per mile yesterday. Quite a lot out really - 4.8 miles in fact.
But it's very good - tells you how fast and far you've gone when you stop your 'work out' and then you plug it into the computer and it gives you a picture of your run - though sadly not on a map, it's a read out of the speeds you've gone over the distance.

But it's a nice nerdy thing to have.

And it was very hard work and I felt like a middle-aged desperate housewife trying to get fit - not far off the truth. And I sadly thought that the reason my fat wobbles less now is cos my new top is one of those compression things (not a proper one, but it's very snug) so perhaps my efforts in the gym aren't really worth it - but I can't believe that as I now have biceps.

But I will continue with the wobbling round the downs - it's getting harder the less I do (obviously) and I have to remind myself to keep my knees up and not slump into energy-saving mode.

Please tell me it's worth it!!!

4 Jan 2010

Shoe thingy

I have now got the nike+ thingy which the thing goes in and you attach the thingy to your shoelaces.

But it's big - way too big for what it's used for really - you could put a key or something in it but most trousers or tops have a zip-up pocket something for that kind of thing.

Of course Nike want you to go out and buy their special shoes with the thingy built in but even £5 for the separate thingy is better than £???? for even more new shoes.

So now I need warm runny clothes and I can head off towards the running horizon (or am I simply making excuses not to go when the weather is SOOO COLD???

3 Jan 2010

The Big Plan

Today's Big Plan is to go for a run.

But - it's very cold (there is black ice on the road which means I don't want to run locally and might drive up to the downs for a grassy run - but I have to drive on black ice as opposed to run on it - what's better???)

Also I had a curry last night and you don't want to know the rest...

But there's another but - I feel sluggish and crap and would like to think I have done a run already today. It's just that getting to that particular stage requires that I go for a run...

I have been for a run - hurrah and huzzah and everything. It was really hard work though - I have got quite unfit through being sat at home/at work and although I do go gymming I don't do the aerobic stuff so much. And afterwards I reckoned I was completely free to eat whatever I wanted all day.
So many new year resolutions to take up over the next few days...
Still, I am mighty pleased with myself and am happy to have kicked off the new year's running. Wonder how many miles I'll manage this year - if only there was a gadget which told you how you were doing.. oh, wait ;) - as soon as I get plumbed into the world of nike+ I can bore anyone who cares to listen about my progress.

2 Jan 2010

New Year, New Gadget

I still have the Nike+ thingy to help me play at running and I promise I'll get it working as soon as I get a thingy to attach it to my shoe. Looking forward to hearing the motivational comments as I run and then letting it work out how far I've been and all that.
And perhaps work up to some sort of a goal (might that be the 1/2 marathon goal again???)

So, no, I haven't been for a run for a while - too flipping slippy on the ice if you ask me... But tomorrow I might venture out - any advice to stop slipping on the ice?? Socks over shoes??

I am slightly looking forward to running again - I am now a regular gym-bunny but nothing quite beats the freedom of running the dark cold mean streets... apart from a nice hot bath and a cheese toastie maybe... Reminds me - it's time to run off the Christmas excess...