22 Sept 2009

This is the day I begin at the gym and possibly the first step on the route to the next 1/2 marathon.

Bit ambitious maybe, but you have to start somewhere.

Am quite nervous about the gym thing - I know it's going to be tough and I will feel feeble and foolish for thinking I can improve. But I hope it will be inspirational as well. I'm sure the guys there are very supportive and I won't be the weakest or oldest person they've ever had to deal with.

It's for me, all this, not to make me look good compared with other people - I have to feel better about myself and that will be done by losing flabbiness and feeling stronger, perhaps running better and not having a really hurty shoulder from time to time.

So, an hour's induction and inspiration today, another trip before the next session and then start feeding in runs and yogas...

I have to do this for me!

It was good!! This is a gym where they don't believe in multiple reps and staggeringly heavy weights - it's about working until you can't work any more and then stopping. Sounds too good to be true.
We shall see.

Apparently I will begin to notice a difference in about 8 weeks - I have to be patient and keep going. I will then have 4 weeks left on the programme and by my birthday in December I'll really feel the benefit.
All it will take is motivation, determination, perspiration, and many other -ations and I will take over the world.
I mean, be slimmer and happier in myself...

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