30 Jun 2009

Bubble well and truly burst...

So I'm out there this morning, the rain's stopped, it's not too hot, new shoes raring to go... and from the off I felt pooped. Heavy, sluggish, wrong. I blame Andy Murray for making us stay up too late watching him get through to the last 8 at Wimbledon, but I wouldn't have changed that outcome even if I thought it might have made this morning's run more pleasurable... (I am quite altruistic like that)

So I struggled up to the downs and realised I was going to walk. I was tired, possibly no more tired than I've been a million times before, but there was nothing else for it, I was going to walk. Felt a bit sick actually.

It was nice to walk. It was dreadful having to start running again. And of course once you've done it once, there is nothing to stop you stopping time and time again. Which I did. Very, very hard work and a rather disppointing debut for the new shoes.

I'll try again in a couple of days. And I thought this Sunday I might go for race timing - as in breakfast at 630 and run at 930 to work out what it's going to be like on the day.

The other thing about today is because it's so hot and muggy at the moment, there is an enormous sweat issue. As in issuing copious amounts of sweat... Probably hadn't drunk enough this morning which wouldn't have helped. But another side effect of this is that I chafed - front of bra and left leg where a short rode up a bit - having flabby thighs is never a positive. So next time I will have to apply vaseline or savlon or something as it's very painful (Cannot imagine how painful runner's nipple must be...)

So that's it - bit disheartened frankly, but not totally dejected. It's too far away from the 1/2 marathon to be seriously worried about not finishing, but I would like to feel I'm generally getting better and enjoying the training more. Which I'm not at the moment.

But I will.

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