16 Jun 2009

Another early morning 10k.

There was a time in my life when I would have laughed my socks off if someone had suggested that phrase would accurately describe my morning...

It wasn't so bad - lovely clear blue sky, several other joggers around, I even raced the milkman a bit.

Of course now I'm at work I feel pooped and just want to sleep - but no change there.
I know this routine does me loads of good and the endorphins are there giving me a boost. I have to stick with it.
I didn't get the aches and pains so much this time - I've either turned a corner there or else it's been so long since my last run they've healed and are about to be triggered once more. I'd prefer to think I've overcome them and am now a honed and prepared athlete.
We all have our dreams...

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