30 Jun 2009

Bubble well and truly burst...

So I'm out there this morning, the rain's stopped, it's not too hot, new shoes raring to go... and from the off I felt pooped. Heavy, sluggish, wrong. I blame Andy Murray for making us stay up too late watching him get through to the last 8 at Wimbledon, but I wouldn't have changed that outcome even if I thought it might have made this morning's run more pleasurable... (I am quite altruistic like that)

So I struggled up to the downs and realised I was going to walk. I was tired, possibly no more tired than I've been a million times before, but there was nothing else for it, I was going to walk. Felt a bit sick actually.

It was nice to walk. It was dreadful having to start running again. And of course once you've done it once, there is nothing to stop you stopping time and time again. Which I did. Very, very hard work and a rather disppointing debut for the new shoes.

I'll try again in a couple of days. And I thought this Sunday I might go for race timing - as in breakfast at 630 and run at 930 to work out what it's going to be like on the day.

The other thing about today is because it's so hot and muggy at the moment, there is an enormous sweat issue. As in issuing copious amounts of sweat... Probably hadn't drunk enough this morning which wouldn't have helped. But another side effect of this is that I chafed - front of bra and left leg where a short rode up a bit - having flabby thighs is never a positive. So next time I will have to apply vaseline or savlon or something as it's very painful (Cannot imagine how painful runner's nipple must be...)

So that's it - bit disheartened frankly, but not totally dejected. It's too far away from the 1/2 marathon to be seriously worried about not finishing, but I would like to feel I'm generally getting better and enjoying the training more. Which I'm not at the moment.

But I will.

29 Jun 2009

I've got new shoes! They make me feel like Tigger. Should have got them months ago.

But I have yet to really try them out - tomorrow morning I reckon. Got to be early cos it's sooo hot - 28 degrees today and muggy. There is a chance there'll be another enormous downpour early tomorrow - will have to risk it.

24 Jun 2009

Aching legs, feet, ankles, upper left back area, bits of knees.

Apart from all that, a glorious run this morning - the full 10k in full sunshine - really really good.

It's quite a come down having to then go to work and face the day as usual. Perhaps I need to change my job and then I could come back from a run on a high and continue to feel like that for the rest of the day.

Well, I've managed to talk myself out of feeling good about going for a run, haven't I. Or perhaps inspired myself to look for another job.
Glass half full today I feel.


6.26 miles, 10.07 km
584 calories (= large olive and hummus sarnie from Chandos deli)
0610 - 0710 starting with Today followed by Chris Moyles at 630

16 Jun 2009

Another early morning 10k.

There was a time in my life when I would have laughed my socks off if someone had suggested that phrase would accurately describe my morning...

It wasn't so bad - lovely clear blue sky, several other joggers around, I even raced the milkman a bit.

Of course now I'm at work I feel pooped and just want to sleep - but no change there.
I know this routine does me loads of good and the endorphins are there giving me a boost. I have to stick with it.
I didn't get the aches and pains so much this time - I've either turned a corner there or else it's been so long since my last run they've healed and are about to be triggered once more. I'd prefer to think I've overcome them and am now a honed and prepared athlete.
We all have our dreams...

11 Jun 2009

Haven't run since the last time. Obviously. Really ached afterwards - back problems. Is this just another sign of getting old?

I have started a body pump class which I'm hoping will beef me up a bit as I am feeble, especially in my upper body. But I wobbled so much doing the arm exercises (and the shoulder ones) that I could barely lift the barbell, let alone the weights. Today my forearms ache, my thighs and bum are beginning to hurt and as for my chest, well, it doesn't bear thinking about how bad it's going to get for the next 24 hours. Painkillers, I think. I guess you have to stick at these things: roll on next week...

But the running - I'm seriously doubting if I will get through the 1/2 marathon at this rate - I'm 3 years older, 10lbs heavier than last time I did it and then I had the motivation to do something I've never done before. Dedication, again.

8 Jun 2009

Another step along the way to half marathon glory.
Or something

Another early run cos I couldn't think of a reason not to go and and least my fuschia pink top got its first outing albeit underneath a warmer cosier black one.

And omg my legs hurt. I think I have a lower back fused vertebra problem sort of thing cos a bit of my upper lower back is all over the shop and the lower lower area seems rigid. Just a thought.

But I did do 10k which isn't bad before breakfast. How I will up that to 20 I have no idea at all.

3 Jun 2009

This is really not very exciting.

I have a new running vest. It's fuschia pink.
Hopefully it won't make me look any redder in the face than I do normally. It's very pretty.

It's part of the psychological build up to running - if I've spent money on something then I am obliged to make use of it.
I'm also considering getting a hat - a baseball cap sort of thing - to hide my horrible fringe: if I pin my hair back off my face I have a SJP-style horse-face and I think a cap might disguise that.
I might be wrong and the whole running in a cap thing could backfire disastrously and I end up looking like a nit.
No change there.