20 Jan 2024

Even slower

I think this is the last morning before some new storm comes in and I'll be staying firmly indoors. 

As for how slow I was, well, new records are being set:

5.03km (small cheer for going over 5km) (by 3m but who's counting)

7min 13s per km.

But I'm ok with it - the point of this is doing exercise and all the benefits that brings, and if I'm barely moving then so what? Plus it was over 36 mins and I believe the peak benefit of cardio comes at about the 45 min mark so there is that to aim for. 

But well done me: a win for today

15 Jan 2024

Cold and oh so sunny

Definitely a good start to the day when it's about freezing but the sun is out, not a cloud in the sky.  No excuse - and in truth it wasn't a hard decision to head out, so well done me. 

Slow though. But I thought to myself that this is jogging and that's perfectly OK. It's good for me and I'm not going to beat myself up about it.  And I still put in sufficient effort to make my calfs hurt enough to find me now resting on ice doing this... 

There are loads of curly dogs out and about these days - I imagine them being lockdown dogs, the cute teddy bear types that don't shed. It's the kind of dog I would go for if I ever did, but I know there are so many rescues that need a home and it's a bad thing to encourage breeding... But I'm never going to get a dog, so...

Anyhoo - the stats:


7m 2s per km

I'm OK with that. 

4 Jan 2024

Jury's out

I gave myself no choice this morning. Just did my usual selection of moves and then went out. No big deal. Listened to 'This Thing of Darkness' on BBC Sounds - it's about a prison psychologist working with long-term prisoners. Not a barrel of laughs but interesting enough to distract me.

So - does my theory of lb-for-lb correlation stand?

4.3 km - so further

7m 06s per km - faster

But have I lost weight? Nope.