22 May 2023

couch to 5K: week #6 runs 16 - 17 -18

 Run 16

I don't feel any fitter. Perhaps if I get some new running kit I will feel better. Ha ha.

But - 5 + 8 + 5-minute runs which is OK, right? Or am I kidding myself about this? Will I ever really respect myself for this? Surely I need to aim higher? 

Listening to 'Tagged', a podcast. It's the final episode but I feel like there should be more to come - there is no denouement. Perhaps the point is the police are forever playing catch-up with the Evie character and will never actually find her? 

My right foot is feeling stiff. I guess it's because I can't use the big toe joint and the effort is going through the rest of my foot and it's not up to it. But I'm having a follow-up consultation on Wednesday, with an x-ray. Yay!

Update on 'Tagged' - the Evie character was definitely one step ahead...

Runs 16 & 18

Well - I've just done 25 mins on run 18 which I frankly struggled with. I am unfit (have I mentioned this before?) plus I don't have the leg strength I used to have when I regularly did weights at the gym. But circumstances change and I abandoned all that and consequently have become weak and overweight. I'm such a catch. 

But, for the last minute, I did run quite a lot faster (on the suggestion of Laura in my ears) and it felt good. OK, it was on the end bit where it's slightly downhill, but still.

So I've completed week 6 - 3 more to go. The next run is another 25 mins but that is OK. I can do this. 

The big question is - once I've done the whole 9 weeks - will I stick with the running?

16 May 2023

Couch to 5k week #5; runs 13 - 15

They're saying it kicks up a gear this week - and 8-minute runs suddenly seem like a big deal. Not to mention a 20-minuter on run 15.

Things are going OK - I've developed a new niggle on my left foot and I'm concerned it might be because of the new bike which might be a little bit small and making the leverage all wrong. But hopefully it was just my ageing carcass throwing another spanner in the works.

So I've done run 15 now and it's escalating!

This was 5 minutes walk then a 20 - twenty! - minute run. That's quite a leap after the 8 mins the last couple of runs. It was the first time the psychology came into the talk, explaining that it's about convincing your brain that you can keep going the distance. And it's true. I am so disappointed that I've allowed myself to put on weight and lose any kind of fitness and strength I used tp have - this programme is actually perfect to get me going again. I feel like I'm improving run on run and despite the slightly patronising tone I trust it to get me back to where I was quite a long time ago. It's also making me realise that to get there - and to maintain the fitness benefit I'm getting - I have to keep going, run three times a week, every week. And become addicted to it. Ha ha. 'The running life chose me' (tiktok reference) 

Now I'm going to run this through chatgpt:

So, guess what? The 'Couch to 5k' app just cranked it up a notch this week! Those 8-minute runs suddenly feel like a huge accomplishment. And get this, on run 15, they threw a 20-minute challenge at me. Can you believe it?

Overall, things are going alright, but I've got this new issue with my left foot. I'm worried it might be because of the bike I recently got. It's probably a tad too small, messing up the leverage. But hopefully, it's just my aging body causing some trouble.

Anyway, I've reached run 15 now, and it's getting intense!

This time it was a 5-minute walk followed by a whopping 20-minute run. Can you imagine? It's quite a jump from the previous 8-minute runs. The app even started talking about the psychology behind it all, convincing your brain that you can push through. And you know what? It's true. I'm really bummed out that I let myself gain weight and lose all the fitness and strength I used to have. But this program is perfect for getting me back on track. With each run, I can feel myself improving, despite the app's slightly condescending tone. I trust it to help me regain my former glory, which feels like ages ago.

It's also making me realize that if I want to reach my goals and maintain the fitness benefits I'm getting, I have to keep going. Three runs a week, every week. I might even become addicted to it. Ha ha! As they say, 'The running life chose me' (you know, that TikTok reference)

wow. 'Bummed out' 

Perhaps overdid the casual tone there, Chat.

But it does sound like a slightly unhinged human, someone pretending to be down with the kids perhaps 

7 May 2023

Couch to 5k week #4: runs 10 - 12

 Run 10

And I got back with time to spare. There were 16 mins of running this week which has made a big difference. And it felt OK. According to the Apple health thing, it was 3.9kms but I don't think that's right as the Mapmyrun one seems to say it's well over 4. So I guess next time (Tuesday) I will set the Mapmyrun one and see just how far. 

Rather excitingly I went the opposite way round (this is how lame my life has got, that shaking things up a bit means going clockwise...) which meant that I had the first 'long' run (5 mins, I'll have you know) going slightly uphill - and it showed just how unfit I've got - and also how good it is the have the motivation of being controlled by the app. 

You are what you eat: recently I've been eating crap - lots of ultra-processed food which I convince myself is balanced out by my healthy salad lunches. Trouble is, everything counts - and I'm feeling quite seedy on it. That and the wine and I have no doubts about why it is I'm overweight, depressed and unmotivated. 

run 11

It was fine. No drama. I've proved to myself I can be run, showered and ready for the day ahead by 9am. Then I remember back in the 1/2 marathon days I would get up, run 7+ miles and be at work for 930. So my aspirations have been rather curbed. 

But I did Mapmyrun this morning and... 

3.84 km (I've been fooling myself thinking it was further...)

7m 45s per km (a lot of walking)

But - I'm nearly 1/2 way through and those stats can only get better.

So well done me for sticking with it and well done the C25K app.

run 12


no drama 

it is a lovely morning and I've decided I don't much like the music mixes I've been listening to but then I don't know what I would like to listen to either. Usually this time of day it's Radio 4 but it's not very motivating...