30 Apr 2023

Couch to 5k week #3: runs 7 - 9

 run 7

It was ok. My Achilles seems to be holding up and my hip is not worse, so that's all good. There is another issue which is not for this page. 

Longer runs now - 3 minutes! Twice! It feels a little pathetic considering I probably could run for far longer, but I'm sticking with the programme as it'll help me ease back into it with less chance of overdoing it, getting injured and stopping for weeks until I'm confident it won't happen again. So sensible!

Not long now until blossom dump 2023

run 8

Nothing special. No drama.

Still over-running by about 1.5k I think. But I can't reduce the distance to fit in with the app - so I'm guessing as the weeks go on I will get to the end at the same time as the app. Oo - exciting!

There is a new challenge: I have a painter coming to do the outside of the house and he'll start about 9am - so I have to be done and showered by then. No biggie. 

run 9

I was up, out, run showered and dressed for 9am. Well done me, right?

re: blossom dump: I don't think it's a patch on last year's.

23 Apr 2023

couch to 5K week #2 runs 4-6

 Run #4

Still doing it! The prompt of 'having' to do a run makes it easier to do. Having the option to wait until I feel like it just means I never 'have' to get out there. 

So, well done me. 

Niggles: a little on the left Achilles but nothing significant. Left hamstring's a bit hurty. Also left hip. There is a theme here: the limb with the severely compromised foot is doing OK. 

The schedule is 90-second runs and 2-minute walks 5 times with 5-minute walks at each end. Do run a little further but I doubt that will damage me. Other than the Achilles, hips etc

Run #5

Again, it's most definitely the imperative of getting this done which gets me out the door. Despite the niggles. A newish one this morning - after the end of the final 90-second run my left calf gave a little dull ache. Hmm. So I did the 5-minute warm-down walk and jogged a little bit more and it was fine. Fingers crossed for that one. My left hip is now aching but everything else is OK.

I am so unfit though - I know I used to actually run the 4+ km every so often - but then I wouldn't do it for weeks. I guess the point of the c25k is that you build up fitness along with strength? I hope so. It can't make me any worse. 

Run #6

I went against my own advice this morning and did the run. My hip is hurting (lateral hip pain, I've been googling) but doesn't seem to hurt while running. There is a tender area at the top of my hip which hurts when I press it. So I don't press it. I may go to the physio again and see what he says. Or my lovely osteopath. 

But I actually wanted to do it. The motivation following the action of committing to the plan? I don't know what it is or how long it's going to last but perhaps, just perhaps, in another 7 weeks I will have completed it and have run the full 5k. Or 30 mins as they call it. That would be a fast 5k for me... 

16 Apr 2023

Couch to 5K week #1 runs 1-3

 I'm doing it!

Well, I've started doing it.

Backtrack: the operation was on 17 March and it went really well. I'd hoped I could have spent a few days on the sofa with codeine and Netflix but there wasn't enough pain. This is a good thing of course: I simply wanted more drama!

I've been walking to get it all working again and mostly that's been ok other than a bit of an ache from the actual arthritic joint. The operation seems to have worked. Fingers crossed the ache will ease over the next few weeks. 

week 1: run 1

But the run! I've been thinking about it for a while - getting back into running without overdoing it has been the issue. So the C25K seems to be a good idea. It really does start off gently - a 5-minute walk? I was glad there were only a few people around to notice me looking like I was failing to run. But everyone's heard of C25K so that was my excuse as if I needed one... I did judge the distance a bit wrong and ended up having to jog another 10 mins to get home - but it was downhill which seems to be an ok thing - I expect I'll do the same route in the coming weeks.

The actual running was a very gentle jog. Very gentle. It probably wouldn't have registered on the Mapmyrun app. But that's OK. My left Achilles was a tiny bit achy but my right foot never got any worse than the ache from walking. So that's all good.

I have thought that perhaps I need more support in my heels to compensate for the lack of bend in my foot? Perhaps one to think about if I get into this C25K a bit more.

So I am now committed to doing this 3 times a week for the next 9 weeks and I will be back to my gazelle-like best. Or I could skip a week and get there sooner. Or I could take my time and actually get there without any stupid injuries: walk before you run.

Distance according to the health app which comes with the phone: 3.9 km

week 1: run 2

Blimey. Well, if I hadn't committed to doing this thing I would not have gone for a run. In the afternoon, so help me. Just unheard of. I have to diminish it in my head so that it's just something I squeeze into the day - no biggie. I know I tend to over-dramatise running a bit - for heaven's sake I write a blog after every run, what's wrong with me. So getting a 30-minute run into perspective can only be a good thing. 

I don't trust the iPhone app distance cos I think I went pretty much the same way today and it was 4.26 km. The kicker is that I didn't start the C25K app properly and so I walked for a bit, wondered when the run was coming up and realised it hadn't begun measuring. I am an idiot. So I started it and ran until the end of the first run. So again I did more than I was supposed to but that can only be a good thing.

So here I am, buzzing with enthusiasm because I haven't given up already. Only 25 runs to go and I will be doing 5ks all over the place.

week 1: run 3

Well, I've discovered what the bell was - not in fact a cyclist coming up behind me, but the actual halfway point of the run. Yay! That's good for when I'm running along a towpath and don't know when to turn around. Well done me.

It was OK this morning: a beautiful sunny day which always helps. I have an old ache in my left hamstring and a new one in my right groin area. But I think that will all run off over the coming weeks. After all there is a lot of rest and recovery built in which is probably good for my foot as well. Next week will be a bit more running so perhaps the route I do (4.2km this time) will be covered in the duration of the app rather than me having to run a bit further to get home.

So why is this working? I guess it's because I have to do it now; I'm committed. It was unheard of to go 3 times a week and yet here I am. And I think I will keep going with it. What happens at the end of the 9 weeks is another matter. Hopefully by then I will be an elite runner addicted to the highs. That would be nice...