1 Feb 2021

Is this wise?

4.76 km

6m 58s per km

Well, it took a bit of persuasion to get me out the door, but that was the easy part.

The first 100m or so, the golden zone, was fine, I was feeling great, thinking I'm so happy about this. Then my Achilles kicked in and began to ache gently. Then aching quite strongly. About this time my right knee also kicked in: it seems if I don't line it up properly, and quite accurately, it really hurts.

So there I was, kind of struggling with various aches and pains and with the thought that I should stop running and save myself long term injury. But it wasn't getting any worse and if I concentrated on my alignment it seems to help. So I kept going (slowly) and ended up running nearly 5km.

Then I got to thinking. Is it my shoes that are the issue? The sides of my feet ache a bit these days: is that due to the lesser padding on these ones? Perhaps the lack of foot support makes my legs unstable, making my knees and Achilles have to work harder?

It's a theory. But I am ok with running other than the pain and fear of injury. So not that OK. 

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