7 Apr 2020

Well, that just happened

So I hauled myself out for a run with a new insight: as well as putting my kit out ready I should prepare my playlist the night before. I take an age to put it together even though it's usually only a podcast or play. (With a backup music playlist in case it all goes horribly wrong)

This morning was Detective Trapp which was interesting enough to listen all the way through the first part.

Perhaps a little too interesting...

I decided to go the other direction once I got to Horfield Common and pick up an old route through Henleaze (one of the dullest areas of Bristol) But I made the mistake of heading down an unfamiliar road and ended up god knows where. All the roads look the same round there. I have little sense of direction at the best of times and I really didn't know which way I should be going. Thank heavens for google maps. Turns out the road I was thinking of taking was basically totally the wrong direction.

6.52 km
6m 42s / km so very slow

Thoughts: I think I could have got to 10k if there weren't any hills (too many killer hills round here but at least I didn't walk up them...) And my left Achilles is aching. Is there something I can do to stop that happening? I think I need to land more centrally on my forefoot and bounce off my arches - something I've always been bad at. Current body part I'd like to exchange: feet.

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