20 Jan 2019

That first 2 minutes...

That's what proper runners must feel like all the time - light, swift, invincible. It doesn't last long and by the time I was getting close to home I was feeling like a sack of spuds.

But I went. I had to get out there and do it before I got sucked into doing anything else like washing up, morning pages, anything. And that's how I used to do it, in the far off days of training for the 1/2 marathon: up at 6am, do 7 miles and back in time for breakfast and the day ahead. I was so much lighter and fitter - and younger - then.  But I was also heel-striking and since I altered to mid-foot I've had 2 stress fractures and haven't run much over 5 miles.

I've also been getting knee pain and I really hope it's not through running. It's likely to be an age thing, coupled with a lack of strength in the relevant muscles, but more likely to be stiffness. I will try some quad stretches for a while and if that doesn't work then back to the osteopath or else the Moti man (although that's for real runners...)

4.86 miles
10m 26s

I would like to get back under 10-minute miles - that will require weight loss more than anything else...

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