13 Jan 2019


4.86 miles
10m 18s per mile

So what's so awesome? I mean, my calf muscles are aching and that's going to last for a few days; my throat feels like sandpaper; my cough has been triggered - dry, hacking, unpleasant and irritating to everyone. And it turns out I was wearing my vest inside out (under a top tho so no biggie) And I wallopped my elbow. And my blackened toenail (from running) was a bit hurty - I think it's due to fall off very soon)

But - I went for a run despite everything and it didn't feel like A Big Deal. In fact, once I got up to the downs and got my breath back from the hill climb, I felt like I could keep going a bit longer - I wasn't going to risk the calves though as that's a bit too much. But I feel good for going and that's enough.

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