7 Jan 2019

bloody hell and a happy new year...

Is it really 4 weeks since my last run? At least that long. Since then has been Christmas, New Year and the worst cold/sore throat/chest infection combo I have ever had. And it took a superhuman effort to go out today. I knew if I didn't it would be at least Friday before I went for one - and there was nothing actually stopping me today.

It was touch and go whether I was going to go (really building this up now...) I woke up, like I have done for the last 3 weeks, with a lung full of cack to cough up so I didn't want to go first thing. Which meant running after lunch - not something I ever do - so well done me, right.

It was horrible. I gave me a good talking to before I left - about how much good it will do me, psychologically as well as physically and how it's part of how I define myself, all that guff - and I was only ever going to do a short one. So with all that in mind off I went.

God, it was hard work.

3.82 miles
10m 26s

And now I'm coughing up pints of the green stuff - I guess it's been loosened and it will hasten my recovery.

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