30 Sept 2018

Day one (#76)

So this is another one of those days when I promised I would get my act together, start losing weight and getting my physical fitness back on track...

It's going very well so far (it's 10 am), but I'm very hungry (I'm back on the 16:8 intermittent fasting regime, not that I ever stopped it, just ate far too much the second I was allowed to...) 

So, I went for a run which was fine once I set my foot out of the door (motivation follows action, after all)

4.88 miles
10.21s per mile

I followed some of the old route, through the allotments and back up Coldharbour Rd - it was nice to get a different view. It's quite hilly - but at least the hills are at the start.

I would like to do more Park Runs - but I actually want to do more than 5k at the weekends and I only want to run one of the days. Not exactly a terrible dilemma to be in...

I also threw in a couple of 4-minute yins at the end; it's quite alarming how fast stiffness kicks in after a couple of weeks of being a slob.

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