18 Nov 2017

Zombies; ran!

OK - I have a grouse about the app - I can't get it to work while there's music playing. I expect it's my fault, but there you go.
I spent the 1st bit of this morning's run listening to the Stranglers - but no zombie news updates... I turned off the music and the zombies came back. They also chased me fast up a hill - I know I was running for my life, but I absolutely knackered myself. I am so unfit these days. I'm hoping that it's going to be a FITT thing and the pain will be far outweighed by the good it does me.
I had planned to do 5k so I can tackle a parkrun soon (it's a work thing) but I missed the start probably by about 1km and then I decided running up hills was making me pant like a - zombie? - so I went home.

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