26 Nov 2017

Park Run

Didn't do it - I just went on a recce for work. I am planning on doing one though. It's a tough course at Ashton Court: all uphill then a turn and back down the hill. Lovely scenery if you can see it through the red mist.

23 Nov 2017

Zombies are tough

I decided I would go round the downs this morning, just for a change. I reckoned it's about 5k around there which is would-like-to go-to distance these days (it's a work thing)
But I was so unfit.
Note to self - when you've lost the 10+ lbs you wanted to (and felt SO good about) don't just pile it straight back on.
I had to walk 3 times; once cos the zombies made me run too hard and I lost the ability to breathe. And I didn't outrun them once.
It's all very depressing to be honest. I know it's nature and it's not exactly unexpected, but I had no idea it was going to be this hard to get back up to anywhere near the quite feeble levels I was operating at before...

It was more than 5k - nearer 7.2
So, still not at the 5-mile marker.
I will get there though - I feel it's something which will make me feel an awful lot better. It may stave off the depression now I'm off the tablets.

18 Nov 2017

Zombies; ran!

OK - I have a grouse about the app - I can't get it to work while there's music playing. I expect it's my fault, but there you go.
I spent the 1st bit of this morning's run listening to the Stranglers - but no zombie news updates... I turned off the music and the zombies came back. They also chased me fast up a hill - I know I was running for my life, but I absolutely knackered myself. I am so unfit these days. I'm hoping that it's going to be a FITT thing and the pain will be far outweighed by the good it does me.
I had planned to do 5k so I can tackle a parkrun soon (it's a work thing) but I missed the start probably by about 1km and then I decided running up hills was making me pant like a - zombie? - so I went home.

5 Nov 2017


I have a new app. It's called Zombies; Run!

The premise is that you've survived the zombie apocalypse and are now heading towards the safe zone. But the helicopter's been shot down by a surprise rpg attack and the only thing left to do is run back to safety.
Along the way you're directed to pick up useful things - because as the nasty lady says - people have to pull their weight or they won't be lit into the safe zone. The nice chap was in love with your predecessor - it'll be interesting to see how that plays out

It's an ongoing tale of everyday zombie adventures

I found myself wondering if I should be saving my energy slightly for when the news comes that the zombies are getting close and I have to up the pace a bit.

FYI I did get back safely.

So that's where I'm at now. It saves your route and all that but where it saves it I have no idea - my phone is a bit of a mystery these days thanks to various unwanted updates...

I have to up my running game: going part-time will make a difference I'm sure...