25 Apr 2016

get a grip...

It was an OK run - but towards the end I decided I could run faster - so I did. For about 3 minutes.
And it really hurts today. My poor foot that doesn't work very well now has a painful arch and as for my calves, well, don't go there.
But I was under the 10 mins a mile average which is pleasing considering I did the hilly route round the downs.
I could post the stats but I can't really be bothered...

hey ho - onwards and upwards

I watched a bit of the London Marathon yesterday - how those people do I I don't know. I struggle to run for 40 mins and they're going for hour after hour. I know there is a boost from the crowd but they can't give you more puff or less pain. Could I ever do such a thing? I honestly don't think so cos I don't have the motivation.
So what I'm saying 'I could do it, I just don't want to.' Anyone believe that?
Thought not

19 Apr 2016

Seaside - yay!

A weekend in wonderful Whitstable: great friends, great weather - and great runs. Yes, runs - 2 of them... Don't often to consecutive days (ever???) but I was out there on Saturday and then, blow me down, Sunday as well...

4.34 miles/ 10:06 mins per mile

2.76 miles/10:30 per mile

so - spectacularly slow but it is so good to run along the shore - lots of groynes to leap over (...) and shingle beach to slow me down hence the slow time...but the air and the scenery is enough to keep me going quite happily...

10 Apr 2016

a run on the downs

It was OK. It made sense to drive up to the downs as it's far nicer than running from home. And I am very down these days. I know running's supposed to give you a lift and I guess it does. I'm still on the 16:8 (not exactly losing a shedload of fat but there you go) so I was running on an empty stomach. It was tough to begin with but it got a little easier later on.
44m 53s
4.47 miles
10m 02 per mile.
I am a jogger not a runner. Being a jogger is a fine and noble pursuit. It's good for me and keeps my mind off the current shitty nature of my life as I see it. I have no right to call my life in any way shitty compared with 99.9% of the world - but I am down.
When will the good things happen?