12 Dec 2015

Winter is coming...

it's so cold.
Wait, it's quite warm today.
no - cold again

Sorry old joke

It was ok. I mean I was expecting the 3-week gap to have had some very bad effects - but the truth is it was fine for the first 85% or so - then I felt tired and my mind began wandering off into fantasies of sofa, water, shower...

But - it's done.

My left ankle is a bit hurty  - I slipped over on wet leaves earlier in the week (wrenched shoulder, grazed knee, hurt pride) and I must have twisted my ankle a bit. Still, I managed to run the best part of 5 miles on the thing so I guess there's not too much wrong with it. Also I did the yin yoga thing last night - that surely has to help. Possibly need to do it twice a week rather than twice a month...


It's tough and I don't do the end bits cos I am weak. But I think it must be beneficial.

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