27 Jun 2015

Blasted Blisters

5.26 miles
9m 31s

My mapmyrun has me down as walking. I am one hell of a fast walker...

I ran from the downs this morning which is why it's longer and possibly faster as it is less hilly from the start.
It was OK to begin with - then the tiredness kicked in and then the blisters. Damn them. I had vaseline on my toes which should have avoided it but perhaps the slipping around it causes makes it worse. I just don't know...

The bits that ache are the tops of my thighs, the outer sides. It's where I get pains sometimes. But it's not a big deal is it? I can run through it - and again this morning I did feel a little bit stronger... It doesn't last long this feeling and I pay for it later when I slump a bit and start looking like a fat old trout pretending to be a runner...

But I'm 50 now and am still running despite everything. I guess that's a good thing.

24 Jun 2015

cycle run

Something I haven't done in a long while - cycling up to the downs for a run. It was quite nice apart from the hill climb - but I guess that's the bit which does the most good.

4.4 miles
9m 51s per mile

Certainly no sprint but there is a long uphill section which my flab and I found quite challenging.

I may well be fooling myself, but there was a part of me which felt stronger than normal during this run. It might all be in my mind (and the stats would bear that out) but if it's making me feel better then why don't I do it far more often?

17 Jun 2015

post-work run

Do not like the post-work run.

It felt like the toughest thing I have ever done and yet it was the same as most of the other runs. Why does it feel so much harder? I mean, on top of the usual challenges of being 10lbs overweight and generally unfit? With an arthritic toe - did I mention that?

4.36 miles
9m 50s per mile
not the worst ever in terms of stats, but omg it hurt. I didn't stop though... Well done me.

14 Jun 2015

Long time coming

OH well - it's 2 weeks since I last ran. The grizzly scab on the knee has pretty much gone leaving a lovely scar. So I had no excuse to stop at home.

And the thing is - if I want to even get a little bit better I have to run 2 or 3 times a week. Not once or twice a month. I would like to finish a run without panting for breath and wondering if the pain in my left hip is anything more than age-related. Or arthritis-related...

I haven't even got an appointment yet to talk to someone about the options for my toe joint - so I reckon in the meantime I will continue as well I can.

Anyway -the actual numbers are...

drum roll...

4.38 miles at 9m 41s a mile.

Sadly that is pretty good for me...