18 Apr 2015

going backwards

Not literally.
I ran this morning and felt good, stronger, like the 'training' is paying off, like I was beginning to benefit from 3 weeks of no wine. But no - it's not to be I fear.

3.78 miles
9m 51 per mile

It's a little disappointing in truth
I guess this is where my natural gumption and determination will kick in and keep me running over the Summer. Sadly my ng and d don't exist and I will give up if things don't improve.
Well, possibly.
Thing is, I still really value running as a keep fit thing, as a way to see the sea shore - just as a way to explore a place. And it feels good to be able to think I can run for 5k or so which is more than a lot of people my age. Although I hate that qualifier.

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