4 Aug 2013

2 runs. Yes, 2.

I actually went for a run at lunchtime. It's got to be the future... Apart from the slightly over an hour aspect which might not go down too well, but I think I can swing it - but the major downer is the Bright Red face. Puce. Beetroot. Whatever the colour is called it took a good while to calm down and return to human hue.

I have just come back from another go at The Loop. It took just under 33 mins for 3.5 miles. Have I got it in me to do the 5 miles in 45 mins I promised myself I would do by the end of May? It's going to take some training... And my calfs are very very tight now...

Hang on - I am amazed I am so slow. That is very depressing. 9 mins 25 secs per mile.
I know I can go faster cos I was having a go every so often, but it's really hard *whiny voice*

I'm so not cut out for this am I.

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