12 Aug 2013


I guess this is the real world.

A 33-min run, nothing special, out of breath at the end, feet a bit achy, left hip a bit hurty, 2nd left toe a bit blistery.
Nothing. Special.
Except that it has been done. And it was done in the evening. So, good for me.

If I am ever going to hit my 5 in 45 target I'm going to have to up my game somewhat.
I think the first thing to do is get a 5 mile circuit or 2 worked out and drag myself round those, before trying to up the speed. I think I will get there - unless I feel as pooped as I did along sefton park rd this evening earlier in the run.
It just feels like I have a mountain to climb at the mo. How I ever ran a 1/2 marathon I have no idea. It's what age does to you...

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