31 Mar 2013


Top of right little toe.
It really hurts
But at least I did it on a run a couple of days ago

24 Mar 2013

it's not ground-breaking, but...

at least it's only a week since my last run.
I did the same route and it was ok - apart from the cold. I should have worn gloves. And a warmer top. But I did get warmed up eventually.
5 sections
1. up to glos rd by sainsbury's
It was fine other than the chilly bits
2. up to Kellaway
getting into a stride a bit now but the hill at the end is challenging. The worst part was where my ipod ran out of juice and I was left alone with my thoughts until the end of the run...
3. kellaway to glos rd
getting breath back, nothing too bad but glad it's the 1/2 way point
4. down glos rd to Ashley Hill
I have to make sure I'm looking ok for this bit as there's always someone doing the walk of shame and they still look better than I do. By now on the previous outing there was a hip pain - not today. :)  This time it's my right foot aching and cos it's downhill slightly there is pressure on my feet. But it's livable with.
5. Ashley rd/sefton park and home
I need to make sure my right foot's not taking too much hammering - I think I'm running a bit too much on my toes and try to go more mid-foot strike and I think this is the future. It might also lessen the effect  on my calves which threaten to be agonising later on.

I'm very glad I did it - and before breakfast, too, which allegedly means more fat-burning which is No Bad Thing.

Now to up the frequency and distance. No pressure...

17 Mar 2013

First time for a long time...

...not just running but running for more than 30 mins!
Get me.

33' 35"
3.55 miles/ 5.71km
567secs per mile
9 mins 27 secs per mile - not very impressive but there were hills and I am very fat.

I'm glad I did the route past the prison, along Kellaway and down Ashley Hill - at least it gets me away from schlepping round St Andrews which is a bit of a bore.

But now I know what I'm up against in terms of getting fitter and faster - and I have to up the mileage to 5 miles which I think is doable although I was struggling towards the end - but that of course is what this exercise thing is all about...

Will I ever do another 1/2 marathon? It seems really unlikely right now - perhaps a 10k this year? I'm only just 1/2 way there though...

10 Mar 2013

I'm not back...

IT Band problems again.
Can. Not. Believe. It

This was drafted about a week ago - it's got a bit better since then, I'm not having to hop downstairs for instance but it's definitely getting better.


2.65 miles, 25 mins
9mins 26 secs per mile

Not exactly an earth-shattering pace, but I guess the fact I've done it is more important than impressing anyone...

aches and pains
slight blister on right instep - painful but hopefully it won't get any worse - bring on the scar tissue...
also, left hip - an old niggle. I wonder if it's worth going back to the physio at Moti to get some idea of stretches or exercises...

Well, I am having to bite the bullet and get going on the Summer fitness plan. How well it's going to go is open to speculation. I'd like to think I can crack it. I need to.