28 May 2012

What have I done...

I will find out when I get to casualty I suppose.

What happened was, I went for a run on the downs yesterday, in the merrell shoes, and was going very well. It's a lot harder running off-road in those things but I honestly thought it would be good for building core strength, foot strength, everything really.
And for a while I guess it was working fine.

But, after about 1/2 an hour I felt a sharp pain in my left foot. A bit like cramp, so stretching the thing out should have done the trick, right?
But it didn't. And it's no better 24 hours later.

I have a feeling it's a stress fracture: it all adds up. (well google can make you believe anything can't it)

So this morning I"m off to A and E to see what's what. It does hurt although I can bend my toes. Stairs are a challenge.

And the ramifications? Well, if it is a stress fracture, then it's 6-8 weeks off the running. Not a problem in the depths of winter, but now???  I will have to replace it with something else - the upstairs at the gym has aerobic machines - rowers, stair climbers and the like, so I guess I will have to take up statics again. Work? Fuck knows. 'Scuse me, but it couldn't really come at a worse time.

Hacked off.

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