6 May 2012

Ooh the effort...

34 mins and 3.37miles which is more than 10 mins a mile. There was a large hill involved as I was going round the downs. I guess I shouldn't be too disappointed. I'm never going to relive the giddy heights of doing the Bristol 10k in under an hour... 
Not unhappy with the fact I've been for a run. Slightly miffed about the knackeredness I'm now feeling. That was made considerably worse by spending 2 1/2 hours this afternoon digging the garden, but hey ho...
I did a yoga session yesterday which might account for the ache in my left hip. I hope that was the reason for it...
And now I feel like I need a long lie down.
Before running another twice this week of course. And 3 times a week for the forseeable...

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