20 Mar 2012

sometimes I surprise myself

Not often, it's true.

But I did run today - about 1/2 an hour - and it was OK. My right heel/calf is aching a bit but in an ok way, not feeling like it's about to pop.

And I am so unfit - there were a few hills in there and I was struggling. A lot.

Going between the toe-strike and heel-strike seems to be OK - I know the going downhill thing will be tough to get working once I'm converted. I had a thought that I might perhaps use the treadmill at the gym to get me going in the barefoot shoes - start with 5 mins perhaps and build up from there.

More time to spend trying to stop the march of time...

And I was trying to make sure I didn't run too long (or, more accurately, too short) a time and had to keep looking at the clock on my ipod. Of course once I got back I discovered there was a stopwatch and a time in the thing. Should have known that really.

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