11 Mar 2012

28 minutes!!!

I possibly went about 3 miles - very slowly.

And I was in my old running shoes so I could change from one running style to the other - which was great on the downhill bits as I could land on my heels and not feel too slippery underfoot.

But it was bloody hard work.

I think I've lost fitness - running fitness at least - from not running. (Kind of obvious...) and 1/2 an hour was a killer.

But I think it was the right thing to do. I need to get running fit again and I know I'm barefoot running for about 1/2 the time - although the shorter extension for my calfs in those shoes is protecting my achilles, if not really improving my technique. I guess the thing to do is to put in the occasional 5-minutes on the merrell shoes every week or so and build up on that.

I called in at Moti in Bristol and they basically told me what I already knew but didn't want to face up to - that it's going to take a long time to get back to where I was before, running 10k on a Sunday morning.

But I will get there as the alternative is descending into fat-lassedness. Well, fatter-lassedness anyway...

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