30 Sept 2011

Hottest 30th Sept since 1908

It was baking hot today - and tomorrow might be the hottest October day on record. It's very weird - being very warm, windows open and in the pitch dark at 8 o clock.
So I had a choice - to go for a run tonight and have a couple of ice-cold beers - or have a couple of ice-cold beers this evening and then have to get up about 7am and run in the morning. Very glad this one is over
And I've used the nike+ again - I will have to check if it's calibrated properly...
stats - just in case they're accurate -
67mins 15 secs
7.37 miles
9 mins 7secs per mile
695 calories

am very pleased if it is accurate cos it's a lot faster than I've been running recently.

(Perhaps I will be disappointed if I do check it out and it's all calibrated wrong... )

have checked the distance on map my run and it turns out I ran....
7.36 miles
Result!!! In both senses - 1. that I calibrated the thing correctly and 2. I am running faster than I ever dreamed possible.
Well, it's nice to think I'm not as decrepit as I think...

25 Sept 2011


Just got in from my Sunday morning run-fest and it's pouring down. For once I missed it - hooray.
And I actually felt OK on the run (the usual 11km thingy) except for:
1. left hip, well, back of hip and a bit higher up than hip - it took a nasty turn at one point.
2. Left outside of knee where I think there is a tendon or something
3. Left calf - very tight. I think it's cos I'm trying to run on my toes a bit more to save my knees. Unforseen consequences...
4. right outside of knee pretty much the same as no. 2

but all in all satisfactory.

There is still an outside chance of doing the stroud 1/2 marathon - I know I will have to run twice as far as today pretty much but I think I'm fit enough.Whether the joints and tendons etc would hold out for another 6 miles is another matter. I will have to up the mileage during the week - but there are 5 weeks I think until it starts.


not sure about this

21 Sept 2011


Don't like this evening running - I seem to have no energy to begin with. And my knees ache.
Weirdly towards the end if I pushed myself a bit harder, it seemed I did have the energy after all. Odd.

15 Sept 2011


The nike + thing - I had to get a new one and I guess it was wishful thinking that I wouldn't have to calibrate it. How wrong I was. According to the thing I'm running just over 7 minute miles. It's cobblers. What's really irritating though is that the blurb says that it's pretty accurate for most people. So I'm obviously some kind of freak.
I even splurged and a really good neoprene sock thingy for it.
But at least I went on another midweek run. And what a struggle it was... Until about 3 miles in I had no energy at all and had to walk for 30 seconds and it was very hard to get going again. But I did. Hurrah for me

13 Sept 2011

weekday running

OK this is it - I went for a run on a Monday evening after work and it wasn't too bad. OK it wasn't brilliant but it was OK.
And there is a chance, I think, that I could possiby think about maybe going for the Stroud 1/2 marathon.
Just a thought

11 Sept 2011


There's a 1/2 marathon in Stroud next month. I could do it - do a lot more running between now and then and lose a load of weight to boot.
It's tempting.
Dropping people off for the Bristol half this morning I did feel a bit left out. I know I did a fairly long run yesterday - could I manage another 5 miles on top of that? I have 6 weeks to get up to speed.
It's doable...
Is there any reason why I shouldn't?
I can think of 100s frankly, but if I am serious about keeping up with the running and also with trying to shift a bit of flab before another birthday drags around, then it seems (at the moment, full of cake) like a good idea...

10 Sept 2011

13... km

Well that was a long run.
Also it's nearly 2 weeks since I last ran it seems like it was a big deal.
Boyf dropped me off near the water tower and I did a lap of the downs, up to the camera obscura which always puts a bit of energy my way and then over the suspension brudge (very sorry the Brunel gorilla has gone...) and then back the usual way.
At times I thought I was going to die through lack of energy and then at others I was whizzing along thinking I would have been happy to do the 1/2 marathon again.
But it's tomorrow and now I'm back home in a puddle of sweat and achyness I think I'm wise not to do and do it. Not that I was planning to or anything.