25 Mar 2010

Double done it

1. I have been for a run - hurrah. Not the most elegant as I am feeling very fat and unfit, but it's done. I just did the short run - about 3.5 miles - but it's a start.
2. I have calibrated the nike+ - amazing, I know. I used Sefton Park rd as a measured distance (0.3 miles) and ran down it first, managed to mess up the calibration, so did the run and came back the same way and the lady in the nike+ said it was successful. So next time I drag myself out, there should be some kind of accurate measurement.
We shall see.
My aim for the next few weeks is to do 5 miles twice a week, plus the gym and cycling. That should shift some pounds. Oh, and cut out the over eating. I would like to think I could lose half a stone by May (about 6 weeks)
Again, we shall see.

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