28 Jul 2009

Really didn't want to go this morning but bravely got over myself and went for it.

And now I hurt: there is something wrong with my right leg, I'm sure. It's probably a consequence of IT band crapness but I can't seem to run with my feet going in a straight line - the right one kicks out. It's making my legs ache as I run and after as I was walking into work both legs felt really tired and achy.

Perhaps I will concentrate on stretching more - I did an extreme stretch in yoga at the weekend which really hit the spot (maybe I overdid it???)

I am doubting my capabilities of working up to the 1/2 marathon over this - I think I can do the fitness side but if it's going to hurt so much it feels like an injury - where's the point in that? Feel a bit down to be honest.

23 Jul 2009

It's becoming routine - get up at 6, run 10k, ache, have breakfast, ache more at work. Collapse when home from work. Neither particularly interesting nor particularly dreadful.

It was hard work this morning for some reason. I set off with my laces tied too tight which made my feet ache so I had to stop and sort that out, but then it was ok.

However it was lovely and sunny this morning which always makes it a happier experience. And it meant the ipod didn't play silly buggers for being damp. Mind you all I listened to was Chris Moyles who is 50-50 irritating and funny. Far funnier than Today, and I can't bear listening to Wogan (sorry but I was brought up as a kid listening to Wogan and there is something unnatural about still listening when you're knocking on the door of middle age) (or indeed well along the hall of middle age and progressing towards the kitchen)

So another one done - can't quite bring myself to work out how long I have left before I have to actually do the 1/2 marathon - I have yet to steel myself for the longer training runs - possibly the first one this saturday???

20 Jul 2009

It's been a while, almost a week, since I last ran. But it wasn't quite as bad as I thought it might be.

I did the usual 10k sort of thing in just under an hour so that's all OK.
My big worry was I went to yoga yesterday and I am very stiff from doing that - but once I got going it didn't seem to make any difference to running - and I felt very good from going to yoga, so I ought to continue with that.

But, hmm, ipod. I do not like the thing. OK it's very clever and all that, but useless when it comes to trying to change from radio to songs or anything which needs the touchwheel - it there is any dampness on the thing it does not work. Nothing. Bloody useless.

Can't imagine running without it though - I would continue my paranoid nightmares which keep me awake at night - I need something to take my mind off reality.

And can I double this distance to get into the 1/2 marathon in 7 weeks, 6 days???

14 Jul 2009

So I did the 10k this morning.
Nothing unusual happened.
It rained a bit but that wasn't too bad - more worried about the ipod getting damp than frizzy hair...
Roll on the next time. ha ha ha :)

10 Jul 2009

So achy.

I don't know where the pain is exactly, that's the problem. I think it's coming from the top bit of my hamstrings, but right now it's in the bit above the back of my knees on the outside. Possibly IT band again? I did the stretch where you cross one leg behind the other and bend forward and that hurt a lot so I guess the problem might be there. But is the solution there also??

This morning I did the 10k up to the downs and round the water tower and although I don't feel I'm progressing all that much I know I put in more effort than usual. Did it pay off? Really can't tell, other than the increasing ache which may be a good thing. The run took just under an hour (which is the same pace as my 10k run in May) so there's nothing exciting happening in that department.

I guess I am aiming for finishing the 1/2 marathon rather than coming in under 2 hours. I think deep down I can do it, but it will kill me. Perhaps I shouldn't be such a wimp??? (I am seriously beginning to believe I really do need the go-faster shorts and hat)

8 Jul 2009

I am trying to convince myself that I went through the same feelings last time I went for a 1/2 marathon, namely that despite putting in more effort on runs, I don't seem to be improving. As in they're are still as tough as they ever were, and I don't feel I'm going faster or futher.

However, I know I'm going faster cos I'm pushing myself harder, so I must be improving, the trick is to improve until I can run 13 and a bit miles in under 2 hours. And there is only 8 weeks to get there...


Even the purchase of new shorts or a hat isn't going to make that any easier...

This morning, up to the downs, the 10k route, felt good. Legs are a bit stiff and heavy (hence the feeling of no improvement) but other than that it was all fine.
I have to come to the understanding that I can improve - I do run faster for a time during these runs, and it's not impossible (even though sometimes it feels like I'm going to expire) and, if I get my head around it, I know I can run further. The question is, am I up for the challenge?
And will it continue after the event? I do hope so (as well as all the other promises of yoga and body pump - life's too short to do everything (or should it be life's too short not to do all that???))

1 hour(ish)
enough calories for a super sarnie lunch!

5 Jul 2009

Round the downs, plus camera obscura - a little under 5 miles but by golly there are some hills in there.
Not too painful - the shoes seem to be working as my left hip isn't giving me the grief it has been doing - hurrah. It was quite hot which made it harder work that it merited but hey ho, job done.
Then I went home and ate biscuits which totally ruined any weight-loss effect the run might have given. Stupid really cos if I could lose the weight I would be able to run better. Simple.
And I would like some new shorts to run in - ones which are slightly baggy so they don't ride up my tree trunk thighs. I have a number of crosses to bear, physically.
Apart from that, it was OK and managing to get up the hill to the camera obscura is always a thrilling achievement!

2 Jul 2009

After the disaster that was the run in my new shoes on Tuesday, I wasn't holding out much hope for this morning's efforts, and promised myself a curtailed run just as far as Waitrose and back.

But it was fine. It was still really far too hot and I had to keep crossing the road to get into the shade, but I had plenty to drink, plus a dollop of sugary cordial for an energy boost and I ran all the way around the 10k route.

Hurrah for me, eh.

I know the key to a lot of this is stretching - my arse bits need loosening up - is that Glutes? Outside bit of lower hip area sort of place? Whatever they're called, they are tight, man. It comes from sitting down at a desk all day and rarely going to yoga any more.

Another key is the core strength to stop my back aching like an aching thing and pushing everything off-kilter.

So basically I have my work cut out if I'm ever going to get around the 1/2 marathon, let alone manage it faster than last time (2h 5m 55s) let alone getting under 2 hours.

But I'll give it a go!!

Next daft purchase - hat.