22 Feb 2025


I know I've put on a couple of pounds since I was at my happy weight - but it's only 2lbs, right? I mean, I was over 9 stone this time last year and now I'm hovering around 8st 2 - so as long as I don't totally mess up, I'm ok. 

This morning I spent an age chewing over the pros and cons of heading out - but then I just did it. So glad I did.

5.22 km

6m 57s per km

So that's all good. Slight niggle in my right knee but everything else seems to be holding up.

And - like every time I actually get out there - I come back and tell myself there is no reason not to keep this up, 2 or 3 times a week, and reap the benefits. Then I leave it for 3 - 4 weeks because... 

1. lazy

2. weather

3. other stuff to do

the list goes on 

2 Feb 2025

Not so good

It's me. I'm down. Putting weight back on and feeling old.


7m 12s per km

20 Jan 2025

2025: run #2


I still can't imagine wanting to go for a run because I love it rather than because it's free exercise. But that's just me. Maybe one day... 

Right knee hurts a bit; left knee not so much. Other than that I'm OK. Very out of breath on the 'hill' but I didn't stop, so well done me. 

I actually went further than planned which had been to do the same little route as last time - but I got into 'Tesco walk' mode and headed onto the path before I noticed my huge mistake: this was the uphill way round. Nit But I did it.


7m 16s per km

Not too bad - but my right knee might argue differently. If it were sentient. 

12 Jan 2025

Happy New Year

Yes, this really is the first run I've been on this year. In fact, the first one since 24 October.

So, yeah, I'm not really living up to my intention of 'being a runner'.

Excuses? I have had hMPV with added insanely sore throat and sinuses. It's been hanging around for 2 weeks now and I'm still coughing (even more so since I got back from my run)

I say 'run'. It was a test, that's all and it was a challenge. There was a junior Parkrun on Horfield Common and I felt outpaced.  My lungs are not at anything like full capacity thanks to the virus but I was proper struggling to get enough air. I can't do hills, even the gentle slopes were killing me. 



7m 11 s per km

I'm ok with that. My head said I'll do that 3 times a week and build up again. Maybe one day I will do it without any drama. This morning's drama was me taking about 5 mins to fasten my bra: there has to be a better system (but not the ones with a zip up the front - practical but dreadfully ugly)

24 Oct 2024

This is fine

Just went out and did it. No drama. 

the only new and exciting thing was that I tied my hair back in bunches. Not trying to be cute, but I think they suit me better. And I am all about looking my best while wheezing and being red-faced in public.

I listened to a Radio One mix at the beginning but apart from 'Paradise City' I wasn't feeling it so I listened to 'Cautionary Tales' from Radio Four about Ponzi and pyramid schemes. Am I dull?

5.66km (found a new route which adds a little bit on and doesn't have hills) (yay)

7 min per km

quite happy with all that.

I did walk a few steps because my knee was a bit hurty and needed a quick reset but I generally didn't feel out of breath enough to want to stop. This is despite having a bottle of wine yesterday... But I think the 350 calories I've burned this morning might counteract the 3 cookies I had yesterday. And the toastie. And everything else. Not that I'm a bit obsessed with my weight (I've lost 0.2 pounds since September but that was after a rise of 0.2 since August. Not that I'm weighing myself every day and recording it...) Every fraction of a pound seems significant despite having lost 14 over the last few months. Now that I'm used to feeling lighter, the achievement doesn't feel so immense.

Rambling now - this is about running: I did a run and I feel good about it. 

29 Sept 2024

Up on the Downs

Now I have a car again (well, it's not quite mine, but I have custody of it until next June) I drove into work to do a 1/2 shift, leaving me plenty of time to scoot up to the Downs and go for a run. It feels good being back up there: flat, not too much traffic, scenic - what's not to like? I did feel tired which I hope was due to the lack of food (nothing since supper yesterday) rather than being dismally unfit.

I was happy enough - but the whole unfit thing is annoying. I know it doesn't just happen while sitting on the sofa, that it requires effort, but I'm still taking it personally and would rather not have to work at it. But there I am - pushing 60 (9 weeks to go) and I'm running. A bit.

5.44 km (it's quite flat so I go further...) 

6m 42s per km (again - it is quite flat!)

Well done me. 

17 Sept 2024

Well, that went better...

It was a lovely morning - crisp, high pressure - and I'd promised I'd go running. No pressure.

And it was fine. Just the usual stuff of aching legs, a tiny niggle in my right calf (didn't amount to anything, yay) and the knowledge that I'm getting older and this will never get easier.  (Is that true though? I mean, if I train more it will get easier - or at least not harder. And psychologically now I've had a good run I feel more likely to go again soon... So, I take it back) (But not the bit about getting older)

My Sweaty Betty (bum-sculpting and expensive, but I got them off Ebay so not so pricey) leggings have gone a bit loose. I'm putting it down to the elastic perishing as they're quite old - but the other reason is I've lost enough weight to make a difference. A stone. From just over 9 to just over 8 stone. I know it's on my scales, first thing in the morning etc etc, but the objective fact is I've lost a stone and it feels great. I will never have what could be subjectively judged to have a good figure - but I am happier with the way I look now than I have been for a long time. 

And that makes me happy.

As I hurtle towards my 60th birthday I will take the time to appreciate my good fortune in life and make sure I don't fritter it away by putting the weight back on and spending even longer on the sofa watching Suits... 

Today's run

4.94 km (so annoyed I didn't make it to 5km...)

7m 01s per km (not unhappy with that)