17 Sept 2024

Well, that went better...

It was a lovely morning - crisp, high pressure - and I'd promised I'd go running. No pressure.

And it was fine. Just the usual stuff of aching legs, a tiny niggle in my right calf (didn't amount to anything, yay) and the knowledge that I'm getting older and this will never get easier.  (Is that true though? I mean, if I train more it will get easier - or at least not harder. And psychologically now I've had a good run I feel more likely to go again soon... So, I take it back) (But not the bit about getting older)

My Sweaty Betty (bum-sculpting and expensive, but I got them off Ebay so not so pricey) leggings have gone a bit loose. I'm putting it down to the elastic perishing as they're quite old - but the other reason is I've lost enough weight to make a difference. A stone. From just over 9 to just over 8 stone. I know it's on my scales, first thing in the morning etc etc, but the objective fact is I've lost a stone and it feels great. I will never have what could be subjectively judged to have a good figure - but I am happier with the way I look now than I have been for a long time. 

And that makes me happy.

As I hurtle towards my 60th birthday I will take the time to appreciate my good fortune in life and make sure I don't fritter it away by putting the weight back on and spending even longer on the sofa watching Suits... 

Today's run

4.94 km (so annoyed I didn't make it to 5km...)

7m 01s per km (not unhappy with that)

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