26 Oct 2023

Woe is very much me

So I made it out the door, after all the usual faff, did the warm-up walk and got going. But then the tiny niggle in my left calf became more insistent. 

So I cut the run very short and came home. I do not want to go through the whole recovery thing again. In future, I will take far more notice if there is a niggle but also do some calf exercises which are very dull but may do the trick

3.07 km

6m 58 per km

19 Oct 2023

Why am I doing this?

By 'this' I mean running, not just writing this blog which in itself is a bit of a mystery.

I mean, I get so tired and out of breath - really struggling to get enough air into my lungs. (But isn't that  when it's doing most good ?) It's good to get out of breath for time to time to improve fitness. But I also know it will never get any better: as soon as it feels better that means you're not putting in enough effort. So by keeping the same perceived level of effort you're improving every time. Can I live with that level of discomfort? 

When I catch sight of my reflection in car windows, I feel ashamed of how I look. I'm fat, barrell-shaped, red in the face. I shouldn't be inflicting the sight of me on the general public. I actually saw 2 people I know this morning which was troubling: firstly my neighbour which meant I had to change my route to avoid running too close or even worse, chatting (cos I was on my warm-up walk) (does anyone else do that?) Then as I was finishing I saw a former colleague which was really nice but I did have to explain I was on my way home rather than setting out. 

Discombobulated, generally.


6m 57s per km.


But I did it. 

12 Oct 2023


So I was well pleased with myself for not going out first thing due to the rain but, rather, waiting for it to stop and then going out. 

I felt OK - no wine for a week or so, eating well, sleeping well so there was absolutely no reason for me to be running at 6m 50s per km pace. But there it is. 

5.36km at a snail's pace.

But it's done and I am grateful for that small mercy.